Missions - Project "A Child's Smile"

Families of Today for Tomorrow believes in building tomorrow’s families today, which starts by enabling every child everywhere to see and experience happiness in the simple things life can offer. In line with our objectives, we have embarked on a mission to help address basic needs of children in African starting in Ghana. The mission team spends six months in a year on the mission field working directly with the impoverished.
Missionary team has gone on a mission trip to Ghana to interact and observe the level of need and poverty that face schools and school children. Standing in the gap to be as conduit to channel help, indeed without help both the present and future of these children is bleak, difficult and without hope.
The Needs:
1. Educational Materials; Most community schools do not have books library or even the daily required class exercise books. Some kindergarten pupils learn how to write their numbers and alphabets on bare floors with chalk, whiles the senior pupils write on leaflets of paper.
2. Technology;These schools have no computers or left along computer-labs or visual education equipment ie electronic or otherwise. Therefore pupils lack technology know-how and are not in touch with the rest of the world.
3. Unhealthy Conditions;Most of these African children are from impoverished homes; who go to school with no proper shoes
4. Teachers Poor Conditions:Teachers do not have enough teaching aids. They also do not have teachers’ lounges; therefore, use bamboo huts as lounges.
5. Improper Educational Environment;Children attending school in uncompleted buildings, subject to the elements-heavy rains and the sun. As if that is not enough; Animals like pigs and goats also shares these uncompleted classrooms with the pupils, leaving their feces, smell and stanches behind for the pupils to clean before classes can begin. Some schools lack proper drinking water and good sanitary facilities
Therefore, we have embarked on a full-fledged mission project dubbed, “A Child’s Smile”. This project is aimed at responding directly to the basic needs expressed by the pupils, teachers and administrators we visited in Ghana.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to make it easier for every school going child to learn by empowering them with needed educational materials to study. The organization therefore as conduit, collects and distributes donated items to the needy schools, pupils, orphanages, Churches and communities, one village at a time, also feeding the hungry child, bringing smiles to the faces of impoverished children and the underprivileged in society.
Needed Items;
Educational material; computers, text books-English, Math, Accounting, Geography, Sciences,-- Grades 1-12
School supplies: Bag-Packs, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Exercise Books, Rulers.
Personal Needs: Sneakers (running shoes) New or slightly used for Ages 2 to 16
Clothing: Children (boy/girls) from 1yr to 16 years, Toys for all
Other Needs: Hospital Equipments (Beds, Diagnosis Machines, IV Poles and etc.)
Food Items: Rice, Cooking Oil, Sugar, Porridge mixes, cookies, and non perishable foods.
This mission has been effective and successful because the distribution is not done by third party organizations in Africa, but the team from Canada spends six months each year to visit needy villages and rural areas to oversee the distribution of donated item to the grassroots level
The Organization has over the period of six (6) years has visited over 45 needy schools in villages, the rural areas, towns and cities in Ghana, and has distributed over six thousand 6,000) school bags, tens of thousands of exercise books, pens, pencils and other educational materials to needy pupils. It has equipped some schools and community libraries with computers and textbooks; it has also clothed and put shoes on hundreds of needy children. The organization has also embarked on children feeding program in the Northern Ghana since 2009. It is bringing smiles to the poor and needy by feeding more than five hundred (500) children with Christmas lunches and presents them with beautiful gifts during Christmas. This feeding program is increasing by the year. Approximately 620 children were fed in the 2011. It has also donated medical supplies to four (4) general hospital three (3) community clinics all in Ghana.
The organization depends on partnerships and sponsors that enable us to reach out to the needy. We invite you therefore to join our mission team to make a difference by donating to this cause.
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